Integrating Office 365 Calendar with MiTeam Meetings

Note: The display and certain functionality (such as editing or deleting a meeting among others) of the Mitel One Meetings UI depend on whether or not Office 365 calendar integration is enabled with Meetings. The UI screenshots and the behavior described in this document are based on the scenario in which Office 365 calendar integration is enabled with Meetings. For more information about the UI changes and the app behaviour when Office 365 calendar is not enabled, see Tour of the Home Screen.

You can integrate your Office 365 calendar with the MiTeam Meetings application so that the meetings on your Office 365 calendar are synced with the MiTeam Meetings web and the MiTeam Meetings desktop applications. This will make it easy for you to start or join a meeting.

To set up calendar integration, a Mitel Partner or the Account Administrator of your CloudLink Account must have enabled Microsoft Office 365 integration for your account in the CloudLink Accounts Console. For more information, contact your Account Administrator or see Integrating Microsoft Office 365 with CloudLink Accounts.

Setting up Calendar Integration

To set up Office 365 calendar integration with MiTeam Meetings, do the following:

  1. Log in to your MiTeam Meetings web or desktop application.
  2. Click the SIGN IN WITH OFFICE 365 option displayed at the bottom of the Meetings section.

    You can also access this option by navigating to Settings > Calendar. For more information, see Manage Meetings Settings.

    • The SIGN IN WITH OFFICE 365 option will be displayed only if the Microsoft Office 365 integration is enabled for your account in the CloudLink Accounts Console.
    • If an error message such as Bad Request - Header Field Too Long is displayed when you click the SIGN IN WITH OFFICE 365 option, restart the MiTeam Meetings application or the browser in which you have deployed the application. If the issue persists, clear the browser cache and try again.
    • If third-party cookies are disabled, or the application remains inactive for a long period of time, then Office 365 might prompt you to log in when you try to access the application.
    • For Office 365 integration to work properly, you must disable pop-up blockers for MiTeam Meetings application in your browser or in Progressive Web Application (PWA). If you do not disable pop-up blockers, meetings might not be displayed in the Meetings list of the application.
  3. In the Microsoft Sign in page that opens, enter your credentials in the fields provided, and click Sign in.

    After successful sign in, the page will redirect to the MiTeam Meetings application and then close automatically. The Upcoming tab in the Meetings list will display all the meetings in your Office 365 calendar.

    Note: Only meetings that have Office 365 as the Calendar type are displayed. Meetings that have Google Calendar or ICS as the Calendar type are not displayed.

Home Screen

After successful integration of Office 365 calendar with your MiTeam Meetings application, the Home screen will be displayed as shown in the following screen capture. The Home screen provides easy access to all MiTeam Meetings features and enables you to manage your meetings quickly.

The Upcoming tab

This tab lists all the upcoming meetings in the Office 365 calendar. These include meetings you created and those for which you have an invite. The meetings are listed in the chronological order in which they are scheduled.

The Past tab

This tab lists all the meetings attended by you.

Note: If you attend a meeting multiple times, the Past tab lists the meeting multiple times in the chronological order in which they were attended.


When Office 365 calendar integration is enabled, the About tab in the meetings details page displays Description from Outlook section that contains the body/message of the meeting invitation you received from Outlook. It also displays the Files and Recordings section.


When Office 365 calendar integration is enabled, the Participants tab displays the meeting organizer and list of participants to whom the meeting invitation was sent from Outlook.

Types of Meeting

  • A recurring meeting will have the  icon associated with it in the Meetings section.
  • A non-recurring meeting will have the  icon associated with it in the Meetings section.
  • An Invite-only meeting will have the icon adjacent to the meeting name in the meeting details page.

Editing a Meeting

To edit a scheduled meeting:

  1. Click the meeting from the Meetings section. The meeting details page appears.
  2. Click at the top right corner of the page. The Office 365 Calendar invite for the meeting opens.
    Note: On Mac devices, when you click for the first time, the Office 365 Calendar invite for the meeting might display a blank page. To view the meeting details that you want to edit, you must close this page, and click again.
  3. Click , and make the necessary changes.
  4. Click Send to save the changes and send an update to the attendees. Clicking Discard discards the changes.

Deleting a Meeting

To delete a scheduled meeting:

  1. Click the meeting from the Meetings section. The meeting details page appears.
  2. Click at the top right corner of the page. The Office 365 Calendar invite for the meeting opens.
  3. Click . In the dialog box that appears, type a message (optional) and click Send to send the cancellation. After a meeting is canceled, it is automatically deleted from the Meetings list of the meeting creator and of the participants.

Removing the Calendar Integration

To remove the Office 365 calendar integration:

  1. From the MiTeam Meetings Home screen, click your avatar and from the panel that opens click Settings. The Settings panel opens.
  2. In the Settings panel, click the Calendar tab.

  3. Click SIGN OUT. After successful sign out, the page will redirect to the MiTeam Meetings application.

    This removes the Office 365 calendar integration. The meetings in your Office 365 calendar are no longer synced with your MiTeam Meetings application.