Tour of the Home Screen
The Home screen provides easy access to all MiTeam Meetings features and enables you to quickly manage your meetings.

The left side of the menu is the Meetings section that lists all the meetings created and attended by you, and those for which you have an invite. It also displays the MEET NOW button that allows you to start an ad-hoc meeting, and the SCHEDULE button that allows you to schedule a meeting.
The right side of the menu is the meeting details page. When you click a meeting in the Meetings section, the meetings details page displays the JOIN button; Edit a meeting title icon; Meeting Details; About; Participants in the meeting; and Messages shared in the meeting.
Start an ad-hoc meeting
To start and join an ad-hoc meeting, click MEET NOW. For more information, see Create a Meeting.
To schedule a meeting, click SCHEDULE. For more information, see Schedule a Meeting.
Click your avatar at the top right of the application, and click Settings to open the settings panel. Click Sign out to sign out of the application.
Join a Meeting
To join a meeting, click the meeting from the Meetings section. The meeting details page opens. Click the JOIN button to proceed to join the meeting.
Edit a meeting title
To edit a meeting title, click the Edit icon () at the top right of the meetings details page, and enter the new meeting title. Click
to save the changes or click to discard it.
Copy Invitation
Click Copy Invitation to copy the meeting URL and paste it elsewhere.
Meetings Details
Clicking the icon associated with Meetings Details maximises the pane and displays the meeting URL, Meeting ID, and Dial in information. Click
to copy the meeting URL to the clipboard. Click Global call in numbers to view the list of dial-in numbers available to join the meeting.
The About tab displays the files shared in the meeting under the Files section, and the recordings made in the meeting under the Recordings section. Hover over a file or recording and click click to download to download the file or recording.
The Participants tab displays the meeting organizer and list of participants in the meeting.
Meeting organizers can use the INVITE option available to them in the Participants tab to invite participants to a meeting.
The Messages tab displays all the previous chat messages sent during the meeting.