Known Issues

Upcoming meetings are not displayed in the MiTeam Meetings application

At times, users are unable to view the upcoming meetings in the MiTeam Meetings application. Users must refresh the application to view all the upcoming meetings.

MiTeam Meetings PSTN users are disconnected from a conference call after two hours while being on the call

Unless at least one MiTeam Meetings web user remains connected to a conference call, PSTN users are disconnected from the call.

Unable to type in VMware console instance when sharing screen in MiTeam meetings

If you are not connected to VMware, you might be unable to type in VMware console instance while you are sharing screen in MiTeam meetings. You must first connect to VMware before logging in to console to be able to type in VMware console instance while sharing your screen.

Screenshare permission issue on macOS

You might be unable to share your screen if you are using MiTeam Meetings in Chrome on macOS. To fix the issue, close the Chrome browser and remove the screen recording permission on macOS for the Chrome application. Restart the Chrome browser, and then grant or re-grant the screen recording permission on the macOS.

Screen sharing may not work after a meeting reconnects

You might be unable to share your screen or view a screen being shared by someone else in a meeting after the app has reconnected following degraded network conditions. As a workaround for this issue, leave and re-join the meeting.

Audio notification does not play on remove or reconnect from meeting

When a user is removed or reconnects to a meeting while using Safari or Firefox browser, they will not hear the audible beep notification. This feature currently only works in Chrome browser and the installed MAC and Windows clients.

Sharing your screen is not supported via the Safari Browser

On a MacOS device, you cannot share your screen from Safari browser although you can view screens shared by other people. To share your screen from a Mac OS device, download the MiTeam Meetings app or use another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Issues with Bluetooth audio devices

Some Bluetooth audio devices might not work as expected with certain browsers. For example, Apple AirPods may not work with Mozilla Firefox. For a list of supported Bluetooth devices on different browsers, see Supported Headsets under System Requirements.

Removing a USB connected device on MacOS

On devices running MacOS such as a Macbook, it may not be possible to switch to an alternative camera or microphone after disconnecting a USB-connected camera or microphone during an active meeting. As a workaround for this this issue, leave and re-join the meeting.

Firefox and Safari browsers do not allow the user to choose a different speaker

With Firefox and Safari browsers, the MiTeam Meetings web application uses the speaker currently selected as the default speaker in the operating system to play the meeting audio. Neither the MiTeam Meetings web application nor the browsers provide the option of switching to a different speaker to play the audio during an ongoing meeting. Hence, in Firefox and Safari browsers, to choose a specific speaker for MiTeam Meetings, the user must choose that speaker as the default in the default settings of the native operating system before joining the meeting. To choose the default speaker, follow instructions pertinent to your operating system.

  • mac OS
  • Windows
    1. In the search box on the taskbar, type Control Panel, then select it from the results.
    2. Select Hardware and Sound from the Control Panel, and then select Sound.
    3. In the Playback tab, right-click the listing for your audio device, select Set as Default Device, and then select OK.

Firefox browser permissions issues

When joining a meeting with camera or microphone permissions set to none, you will not be able to select a camera or microphone. Users will need to re-join the meeting and select camera 1 from the list which should re-prompt for permissions allowing both the camera and microphone to work. There is a related issue that can happen when a computer has 2 cameras and the first one is in use. When this happens it will prompt for permission on the second camera but not allow it to be selected. In this case the user will need to back out of the meeting and re-join with the second camera selected or close out the other application using the first camera.

Closing the laptop lid does not end a meeting

During an ongoing meeting, if you close the laptop lid, you remain connected to the meeting. If the MiTeam Meetings application is frozen and does not reconnect after the device wakes up, close the browser tab and re-join the meeting if it is still ongoing. If your windows settings are set to 'Do Nothing' when the laptop lid is closed then the Camera and Microphone will stay active.

Slight audio delay for meetings hosted in the European cloud

A mild additional audio delay might be experienced on meetings hosted in the European cloud. Because all users experience the same amount of incremental delay, this may not be noticeable.

A PSTN caller may be 'Unknown' if multiple PSTN callers have the same calling line identification

In some enterprises, all outgoing PSTN calls may share the same calling line identification (the 'business number' for example). If two or more users who share the same calling line identification join the same MiTeam Meeting at the same time, one of the users will have the correct phone number and the other users will be indicated as 'Unknown'. The 'Unknown' users can still participant effectively in the meeting.

Meeting invitations may end up in spam

To invite an external user to a meeting, type the user's email address in the Search bar of the Invite Participants dialog, or Start Now, or Schedule dialogs. The search field displays a drop-down list containing the email address you entered. Click the email address, and click Invite. An invitation is sent directly to this email address. In some cases, the invite sent may be flagged as spam in the invitee’s mailbox; hence, always ask invitees to check their spam folder if they do not find an invite.

Send location does not work in the installed MiTeam Meetings application

The location sending feature does not work in the installed MiTeam Meetings application. You can elect to use the browser application or type out your address.

The web application may continue to attempt to launch the installed application on other devices or after it has been uninstalled

After you download and install the MiTeam Meetings application, subsequent attempts to join a meeting in the browser application will attempt to launch the installed application. This will happen on every device that you log in to; therefore if you have the application installed on some devices then you will need to use the link presented by the browser to join using the web application. Also, if you uninstall the application from your device, the browser will still attempt to launch it. There is a setting under your user profile which controls this behaviour.

Logging out in one browser tab causes logout in all browser tabs

While multiple browser tabs are open in the MiTeam Meetings application, logging out from any one of them causes logout from all the tabs. Any subsequent interaction in the other tabs will fail or will result in a redirect to the initial page of the application.

MiTeam Meetings detected by Vidyo Connect solution

If your enterprise also uses the 'Vidyo Connect' solution or has Vidyo connected to meeting room hardware, the Vidyo solution might incorrectly classify MiTeam Meetings in your calendar as Vidyo meetings. It is not possible to connect to MiTeam Meetings application using Vidyo clients or hardware.

Micollab Specific Issues

  • Registered users get a chat message on invite, not an email message.

    When you type a name, or an email address in the Search bar of the Invite Participants dialog, or Start Now, or Schedule dialogs, the search bar displays a drop-down list containing the matching registered users in the account. When you select a user, and click Invite, then a meeting invite is sent as a chat message to their MiCollab client, not as an email; therefore, users will see the invitation as an incoming chat message in the MiCollab client.

  • Clicking on 'Meetings' in the installed MiCollab client may cause the installed MiTeam Meetings application to leave a meeting

    If you click Meetings menu in the MiCollab client application installed on your system while this application is being used in a meeting, the home page of the MiCollab client application changes, and the application exits the meeting. If this happens, you must re-join the meeting and take care not to click the Meetings menu in the MiCollab client. The browser application creates an additional browser tab under these conditions.

Troubleshooting Camera issues

First start by following the steps below to make sure your camera is enabled for use:

Next check to make sure your camera is working outside of the Miteam Meetings application:

  1. Test that the camera using an installed application other than Miteam Meetings
  2. If you do not have another application installed that uses a camera, then you can test using a browser-based camera test utility. There are may different ones available, please choose one to use from an internet search.

If the camera does not work in either the installed application or browser test, then it is likely the camera is at fault. You should try a different camera. The MiTeam Meetings application should work with virtually any built in or USB connected camera. There are some software based cameras that we know do have issues.

Below is a list of those cameras that do not work:

  • Droidcam

Windows displays blue screen error when undocking a screen share

When you undock a screen share, a windows blue screen with error message lvrs64.sys might be displayed if the driver associated with your Logitech camera is experiencing some issues. If this error is displayed, do either of the following to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Update the driver for Logitech camera and restart your computer.
  • Install the generic Windows 10 driver. For more information about installing generic Windows 10 driver, see Update drivers in Windows 10.

Issues while Recording a MiTeam meeting

  • If the user changes the meeting name during a recording, the recording will be saved under the old meeting name.
  • If a user renames or deletes a recording in the recording list, the change will not be reflected in the recording list for the other users.To resolve this, the other users must either close the recording list and reopen, or refresh their page.