Screen Sharing

During a meeting, you can share your screen with the other participants in the meeting. This enables you to display any media including documents, presentations, images, and videos, on your computer to all the participants without having to send them those files. Following are the steps for sharing your screen in MiTeam Meetings.

  1. During an ongoing meeting, click the Share icon () from the control panel. The Share your screen prompt window opens.
  2. You will be prompted to select Your Entire Screen, Application Window, or Chrome Tab to share from the prompt window.
    • If you choose to share the Entire Screen, your entire desktop will be shared and displayed to all participants. You can toggle between multiple applications or windows during the meeting, and if these are displayed on your screen, these will be displayed on the screens of all participants.
    • If you choose to share an Application, only that application will be shared and displayed in the meeting. You can toggle between multiple applications or windows during the meeting, but these will not be displayed to the participants.
      Note: On Mac devices, if the MiTeam Meetings application is in full screen mode, you can share only the MiTeam Meetings application. To share other applications, you must exit the full screen mode.
    • If you choose to share a Chrome Tab, only that tab in your Chrome browser will be shared and displayed in the meeting. You can toggle between other tabs in Chrome, but these will not be displayed to the participants.
      Note: Sharing a Chrome tab is supported only on MiTeam Meetings web application.
  3. Click the required option and click Share screen to start sharing. The Share icon () turns green, and a blue screen share button with the user's name () appears at the bottom-left of your user tile when you start sharing. Click in the top right corner of the Share your screen window to cancel the sharing before the sharing begins.
    • After you share the screen, to preview the screen that is being shared, hover over the screenshare icon on the Screenshare indicator displayed on the top left of your screen. A pop-up window with an image of the screen being shared is displayed.

    • Sharing an audio is supported only in MiTeam Meetings web application and is available after you select Your Entire Screen or Chrome Tab. To share an audio, you must select the Share audio check box from the Share your screen prompt window.
  4. After you start sharing, click the Stop Share icon () from the control panel to stop the sharing.

Undocking the Shared Screen

When viewing shared content, you can undock the shared screen in your Meetings application and make it a floating window. You can do this by clicking the Undock icon () displayed in the screen share indicator (). The shared screen opens in a separate window, allowing you to move that window to a new position. The original window (ongoing meeting screen) will continue to show the video tiles, and the various meeting controls.

Close the undocked window or click the Dock () icon displayed in the Screenshare indicator to re-dock the window back to its original location.

  • Even after the screenshare ends, the undocked window will remain open until the meeting ends or until you close the window.
  • For the MiTeam Meetings desktop application, the Undock Screenshare feature is supported only on MiTeam Meetings 1.4.8 and later versions. If you are using an earlier version, upgrade the application to the latest version and restart the application to use this feature.

Layout when screen sharing

When viewing the shared content, you will see a layout like Active Talker Layout, where the shared content is displayed alongside the User tiles. By default, when screen share is initiated, all participants will be displayed in Video tiles view. The Video tiles view will display the video of all the participants who have their video turned on, and the avatar of the participants who have their video turned off. The List view will display only the name of all the participants in the meeting.

During Video tiles view, click the List icon () to change to List view.

During List view click the Video tiles () icon to change to Video tiles view.